Sunday, 7 February 2016

Rare Messages From Shri Shirdi Sai Baba As God


Book's on Shri Shirdi Sai Baba - 024

Rare Messages From Shri Shirdi Sai Baba As God
  By S. P. Ruhela 
Preface Of The Book

All Sai devotees throughout the world know that although Shri Shirdi Sai Baba, the most eminent among the Spiritual asters and Avatars of the 19th and 20th centuries, had left or His Heavenly abode shedding His mortal coil on the 15th October, 1918 at Shirdi, His compassionate divine grace and help have been coming to those who remember His Divine Name in the hour of their need. Therefore, His popularity as "Sub ka Malik Ek" (Master or One God of All) has been spreading all over the globe, like wild fire, on its own. Shirdi Sai Baba Temples have come up and are still being established at countless places not only in India but in many far off countries like Canada, U.S.A., U.K., Australia, Singapore, Fiji and some African countries as well and people of all races are getting more and more drawn towards His divine magnetic Holy Personality.

It is in this very spiritual context that this book 'Rare Messages From Shri Shirdi Sai Baba As God' is being brought out for the information and spiritual enlightenment and benefit of all devotees and spiritual seekers of all faiths in all countries. It contains those 77 rare and most precious discourses or messages given by Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as God to an earnest Parsi sadhaka (spiritual seeker) Yogi Minocher K. Spencer of Indian origin in his meditation sessions at the altar of meditation room in his house in Karachi during the period from 3rd November, 1952 to 18th February, 1953.

These are the rarest of the rare and the finest spiritual discourses or messages given by Shri Shirdi Sai Baba as God Himself from the Heavenly plane to Sh. Spencer, an earnest seeker of God realization, 34 years after He (Sai Baba) completed His Avataric career at Shirdi and ascended to Heaven.

These messages constituted the crucially important and unique spiritual memoirs of Spencer's 'How I Found God', which he wrote at the spiritual command of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba. The title of that book manuscript was given by God Sai Baba Himself who used to appear before him in the Astral Body almost daily in his (Spencer's) altar room, specifically to dictate these great discourses. God had dictated to Spencer his soul's biography 'Romance of A Soul' which was a thrilling story of all his three human births on this planet - first as Petricio ( 1213-1349), a great Italian Catholic iterant monk and forceful preacher who founded the famous Order of Friars and brought thousands to Christ's fold; the soul took second birth as an illiterate poor Hindu woman in South India, whose marriage to a rather rough and cruel man double her age was a bed of thorns, but she had dedicatedly and selflessly served the local poor community and was held virtually as a goddess. The soul's third and the last birth was as Minocher K. Spencer in a Parsi (Zoroastrian) family in Pune on 4th October, 1888. Minocher K. Spencer had migrated to Karachi city of Pakistan before India's Partition in August, 1947.

In its third and the last human birth, Spencer's soul was solely and firmly determined to achieve God realization. Therefore, God had, from the moment of his birth, placed him in the charge of the great Spirit Master Rishi Ram Ram of Higher Spiritual Plane to train him spiritually so that his soul's ardent yearning to see God face to face and thus achieve God realization· might be finally fulfilled in this last birth. The Spirit Master Rishi Ram Ram used to train and guide Spencer daily till 11th May, 1949, on which date (Shri Shirdi) Sai Baba Himself as God took over the charge of his spiritual training by giving this message to him in his meditation:
"Yes, I am Sai Baba. I was with you all the time while you were sitting absorbed in silence in thoughts of God. I have come to tell you that I have taken over your charge from Ram Ram and you will now have to follow Me completely. Concentrate on My picture and I shall reward you with joy."
Prior to this, the Spirit Master Rishi Ram had on 10th April, 1949 itself told Spencer:
" ... you have passed all the stages for which I was competent to help you. You don't need the Master's (My) help any more. God alone can now help you ..I have taken you to the very end of the journey. It is now for God (Sai Baba) to take you in."
About The Author 'Dr. S. P. Ruhela' Of 'Rare Messages From Shri Shirdi Sai Baba As God'
Dr. S.P. Ruhela, a Sai devotee, has set up the Sai Divine Research Centre. He had undertaken extensive research before writing this book.

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